" Thank you to all of those that were able to join us on the 29th January for our CAP Sunday Prayer:Bring:Share gathering.
I was able to share the great news that:
14 Clients went DEBT FREE during 2023
That 8 Clients are nearing their "freedom from debt" Please pray that these lovely people, John, Charlotte, Kelly, Jason, Sophie, Tate, Shelley & Amber will engage positively with me and CAP's amazing team, in these final stages of their Journey out of debt.
That 10 clients are at the early stages of their journey with me as they seek debt advice. Please pray that the space I have specifically created in the Debt Centre Diary to pause all new client bookings for the month of February, will enable me to gather the paperwork we need to get debt advice prepared. Please pray that Sian, Simon, Kevin, Crystal, Damien, Melanie, Nic, Donal, Nuala, Sharon & Adrian will commit themselves wholeheartedly to work with me in order that CAP can help them!
I shared a video, which I'd encourage you to watch. My friend Tracey had discovered that her neighbours were struggling with debt. She shared some of that story with us. We hope this will help you to became aware and alert to some of the classic signs that may present themselves in those people around us, friends, neighbours, work colleagues that may well be struggling with unmanageable debt, in SILENCE.
There is help out there.
We had a QUIZ that helped shine some light on the challenges we are all facing with the Cost of Living Crisis and the impact on those that are already struggling. Just some examples of stats unearthed in that quiz;
The average household debt value in our Region is £18,952.00
57% of CAP's clients are reaching out for CREDIT to cope with the Cost of Living Crisis
In 2022, £28.2 million people in the UK borrowed money in the face of the rise of day to day living costs
Credit Cards and overdrafts are the first source of credit currently being sought by those in the UK
Thank you to everyone who has financially supported CAP over this last year. Clients were so very grateful for their gift cards. Each and every one of them text to thank Freedom church for making a real difference to their family Christmas's
Lastly, would you please pray for favour over a £5,000.00 grant application submitted by myself in early January. We have bid to secure finances with the running costs of the Debt Centre. A decision on that application is due in February.